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PPS Volkswagen aims to deliver reliable information, yet it cannot guarantee nor provide any security concerning the accuracy, availability, and wholeness of the website's content. The updates found here are intended solely for informative purposes and should not influence any decisions or actions taken (or avoided). PPS Volkswagen accepts no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided and disclaims any responsibility of any sort that arises from the usage of the website. In cases where a vehicle is displayed at an incorrect price due to typographical mistakes, technical glitches, or erroneous data from the manufacturer, PPS Volkswagen reserves the right to cancel or refuse to accept orders with incorrect pricing. All indicated prices and promotions do not include state, city, or county taxes, along with tag, title, and registration fees. Buyers ordering from different states are responsible for taxes and registrations in their respective jurisdictions. To the maximum extent allowed under applicable laws, PPS Volkswagen disclaims all warranties, whether express or inferred, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and suitability for a specific purpose. PPS Volkswagen does not guarantee that the features on the website will function without interruption.